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Learner Centered Digital Literacy

For a long time, digital literacy instruction has been primarily made up of lists of “don’ts.” Don’t share personal information online! Don’t give out passwords! Don’t copy other people’s work. Etc. And while it’s right to help our students develop responsible behaviors in both their digital and analog lives, this approach has left a gap that needs filling. Digital tools and social media are no longer just places to catch up with old friends or post photos of our lunches. These digital spaces are increasingly becoming our go to news sources, most trusted search engines and, perhaps most significantly, the tools of our democracy.  It is up to us to help our students develop the skills necessary to contribute to these communities in positive, productive and equitable ways. With new tools right around the corner, there’s no time to waste. We can’t let our students down.

Does anyone have a pencil handy? (1986)

Would your students know how to use one of these? (1976)

DON'T FORGET! you have TWO hint cards that you can use any time!

"Shake it like a polaroid picture." (1974)

Can you still fold one of these? (1992)

Gallery of Ancient Technology

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