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Activity Two
How can empathizing with characters, help cultivate empathy off the page?
Empathizing with Characters (Windows, Mirrors, Sliding Glass Doors, Prisms).
Select one person from your group to read The Breaking News to your table.
Table debrief: what did you notice about the book? What stood out to you? What parts might students respond to?
Together, as a group, create a #sixwordstory to summarize The Breaking News. Share here.
Whole Group Debrief: vote up your favorite. What makes one example stand out?
Individually: choose your character here.
Once you've selected your character, add a #sixwordstory to this resource, creating a story that a) captures the criteria for a great #sixwordstory and b) is told from the point of view of your character.
Whole group debrief: How did the technology improve this activity? What other tools could have been used?
Shared Notes
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